
Our Defense (revised)

MIDI arrangements:
Our Defense - MIDI guitar
Our Defense - MIDI clarinet

Our Defense - Hi Fi

Our Defense

Be strong in the Lord's power
Wear all armor, by all means
For Satan is against us
With his tricks and all his schemes
But we're not fighting evil people
We're fighting evil powers, sight unseen
Our God will intervene

Use every piece of armor
To resist the enemy
Put on the belt of truth
And dress with clothes of purity
Have shoes to spread the living gospel
Peace will come in paths of goodness faithfully
Our God's alive and free

Our defense is awesome
Our defense is God
For the Son of God is our one advocate and our one Savior
The power over darkness has no power over Him or over me
Our defense is God

Stand firm in ev'ry battle
Use our faith to guard and shield
Salvation is our helmet
With the Spirit we are sealed
The Word of God is sharp enough so
That all deeds and inner thoughts will be revealed
Our God will cleanse and heal

Our defense is awesome
Our defense is God
For the Son of God is our one advocate and our one Savior
Principlities and powers are subject to Him.

David Davis copyright 2007 and 2009